The Ultimate Guide to Vacuum Buying - PART 1 of 4

Shopping for a vacuum cleaner should be simple. The main thing you want to keep in mind is that when you purchase a vacuum cleaner you're not really buying a vacuum cleaner, you're investing in a clean home. The problem is that sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between one vacuum cleaner and another. A wide variety of brands, price points and complicated technical specs make the waters very cloudy.

We will be launching a 4 part blog series helping you sift through the 4 main questions you must ask yourself when buying a vacuum. We hope that we can take the guessing out of vacuum buying.

Part 1  -  What type of flooring do you have?identify the flooring in your home

This is going to be the main deciding factor in the type of vacuum cleaner you purchase. Certain types of vacuum cleaners are more and less effective on different flooring types.

  • Homes with hard flooring - Canister vacuum cleaners will perform much better on hard surface flooring than uprights. The floor tool on the smooth surface has bristles to help dust the floor while using straight suction to remove debris from your flooring. The hose and wand design allows users to clean under tables, between chairs and into corners with minimal effort and maximum efficiency.
  • Homes with carpeting - Uprights vacuums are the preferred model when dealing with carpeting only. The spinning brush roll helps remove dust and debris that is deep down in the carpet fibers. Suction is also used to help aid the brush roll in dust removal.
  • Homes with carpet and hard flooring- We find that canisters with both electric power heads as well as a floor tool are best suited for these style homes. Users can change to the electric power head for carpeting and the straight suction floor tool for hard surfaces. It is truly the best of both worlds. If a customer really likes the upright vacuum design, then we strongly recommend an upright that the brush roll can be turned off. This will help when cleaning your hard flooring as the spinning brush roll can cause dust and debris to be misplaced before it is sucked up into the vacuum cleaner.
  • Height / Pile of carpeting - There are different lengths and style of carpeting. Depending on which kind you have will factor in how robust of a power nozzle or turbo brush you will need for your carpeting. The shorter and less thick the pile, then a model with a smaller power nozzle will be fine. For customers with high / thick carpeting, you want a larger power nozzle with multiple height adjustments and larger rubber wheels.

When buying a vacuum cleaner, this the most important part. It does not matter how good a vacuum cleaner performs if it is not designed to clean the type of flooring that you own. With enough research we are 100% certain you will be able to find the perfect setup for your flooring style. We are always here to help, visit our contact page to get in touch with us.

Click on a link below to navigate to another part of the "Ultimate Guide to Vacuum Buying". 

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4