The Ultimate Guide to Vacuum Buying - PART 2 of 4

Part 2  -  Do you have pets or “special factors” you need to clean up after?vacuum cleaners for pets and special needs

Pets pose an extra challenge when cleaning up your home. Manufacturers make vacuum cleaners that are specially designed for pets or households with lots of hair. We will list the features these vacuum cleaners commonly come with

  • Extra tools for deep cleaning. Hand turbo tools for upholstery hair removal. Extension wands for longer reach and enhanced versatility.
  • Special filters helping to remove harmful pet dander from your homes air. Many of these filters even have specially designed charcoal layers for pet odor removal.

Along with pets, there could also be special housing features that make vacuuming a real pain. You should look for a vacuum cleaner with design features that make doing those jobs easier.

  • Stairs - this is a common feature in the home that our customers really struggle to clean. You should look for a vacuum that is light enough to handle on the stairs and does not have a big bulky cleaning head that is too big for each individual stair. The ideal situation for stairs is a canister vacuum cleaner. You can easily set the canister on a stair level and clean 3 or 4 steps up with the lengthy hose / wand. It feels light in the hand and gives you optimal maneuverability to get in the corners and seams.
  • Electronic and sensitive surface cleaning - you will definitely want a vacuum cleaner that has a extension hose. Almost every single vacuum cleaner that we sell has one, but you will also want to make sure that the suction can be adjusted. This is something that is not all that common on a vacuum cleaner. We have many customers that use their vacuum cleaner on computers, delicate wall hangings, expensive collectibles, ect. and for all of these situations the customer will need to look for these two features.

There are many other situations that require special cleaning tools. Please give us a call at 1.877.819.6857 if you have a special need and want help selecting a vacuum cleaner for the job.

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